
I’m posting from the not so lovely 60 freeway in LA (don’t worry, I’m a passenger). After my post Wednesday I’d assumed the excitement for this week was over, but Thursday presented another opportunity disguised as a challenge.

A friend that I worked with over ten years ago got in contact with me via Facebook asking if I could cater a party for 75 on Monday evening (4 days). I wanted to say no. I mean, am I ready for that? I asked her to call me and tell me what she needed in the hopes that it would be obvious that I’d need to decline. Alas, it was meant to be. Appetizers and desserts? No problemo. I enlisted the help of a trusted food pro and pestered my three best foodie friends with emails and accepted the gig.

Why am I presenting this as a bad thing? I’m not, I promise. I am thrilled to have the chance to prove myself and deeply touched that my friend would entrust me with handling the food for her event. That doesn’t mean that I’m not scared to death. This is my dream, people. It’s such a catch 22, I want it so badly yet I’m deathly afraid of messing it up. So far, that hasn’t happened and I realize that it will only happen if I let it. Mistakes are inevitable and I’ll just have to pick myself up if and when I make a misstep.

So, with pride, optimism, and a respectable amount of fear, I’m moving onward and upward. I am enough and I deserve to have my dreams come true as much as the next person. And? I’m catering an event on Monday! I can’t wait to show pictures and tell you how it went. In the meantime, I need to get back to back seat driving. Onward!

* Today marks the 3 month anniversary of this blog and my journey. Thank you to its 972 followers and all who read and support! You give me the motivation to press on.